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Obat Semprot Rhino / Desinfektan Dan Fungisida Cap Badak Agripesona , di Lazada izzan naura Gresik


Desinfektan Dan Fungisida Cap Badak Agripesona , di Lazada izzan naura Gresik

Disinfektan dan fungisida Cap Badak di Lazada toko izzan naura kab.Gresik Ini adalah agen pembersih berbasis sulfur Carbendazim dosis rendah & residu remover bio desentralisasi sehingga ramah dan tidak mencemari lingkungan. Berkinerja tinggi yang diformulasikan khusus untuk menghilangkan residu kimiawi mikroskopis, terutama dari penggunaan obat-obatan antibiotics yang larut bersama kotoran ternak. Juga efektif untuk infeksi jamur, protozoa, bakteri dan virus. Diuji laboratorium & terbukti di lapangan. Aturan Pakai Untuk Peternakan Ayam Petelur Pertama kali semprot 5 hari berturut-turut saat sore hari dosis 3ml/ liter air, Spray kabut untuk kotoran, ayam dan seluruh kandang, Saat bau mulai berkurang artinya parasit seperti amuba, bakteri, jamur dan virus sudah mulai terkontrol, Setelahnya bisa anda semprot seminggu sekali atau saat bau kandang sudah mulai terasa. Untuk Ayam Broiler Spray seluruh kandang sebelum check on, spray seminggu 2x saat umur seminggu, setiap hari saat umur 8- 18 hari, umur 19 sampai panen spray setiap hari 2x sehari pagi dan sore Untuk Pertanian Padi Dosis 3ml/ liter air, spray saat olah lahan yakni 7hr sebelum tanam, 7hari setelah tanam, dan setiap 2 minggu sekali total 4x selama musim tanam, berfungsi menyehatkan/ membenahi tanah, pH buffer, mengendalikan virus dan jamur. Untuk Tanaman Sayur penting untuk spray saat pengolahan lahan 7 hari sebelum tanam Untuk Tanaman Tahunan seperti pohon durian, pisang, mangga, karet dan sawit, spray saat awal musim penghujan, pertengahan dan ahir musim penghujan, saat yg paling ideal adalah ketika tanah dan pohon basah. Untuk minum ternak 3ml/ 200liter Agriculture 3ml/ 1000-10,000liter

Spesifikasi dari Desinfektan Rhino / Desinfektan Dan Fungisida Cap Badak 1000 ml

  • Merek
    Cap Badak
  • SKU
  • Jenis Kemasan
    Botol Plastik
  • Fitur Spesial
    Anti bakteri
  • Jenis Garansi
    Garansi Seller
  • Masa Garansi
    1 bulan

Seller Sulfur Carbendazim Disinfektan Dan Fungisida Cap Badak Obat Multiguna Agripesona di Toko Shopee izzannaura Gresik


Disinfektan Dan Fungisida Cap Badak  Obat Multiguna Agripesona di Toko Shopee izzannaura Gresik

Desinfektan Rhino / Fungisida Cap Badak Agripesona Gresik Biosecurity no. 1 Ini adalah agent pembersih berbasis sulfur carbendazim dosis rendah & residue remover bio desulfurization sehingga ramah dan tidak mencemari lingkungan. Berkinerja tinggi yang diformulasikan khusus untuk nenghilangkan residue kimiawi mikroskopis, terutama dari penggunaan obat-obatan antibiotic yang larut bersama kotoran ternak termasuk metamfetamin, fentanil, heroin, oksikodon, dll. Juga efektif untuk infeksi jamur, protozoa, bakteri dan virus. Diuji laboratorium & terbukti dilapangan. Produk terbaru kami tidak memiliki resiko kesehatan lingkungan. Ini aman untuk didalam dan luar ruangan. *Peternakan & Pertanian: Peternakan : ~ Spray/sanitasi kandang 3ml/liter ~ Air Minum 3ml/30 liter air ~ Sterilisasi air 3ml/500-1000 liter air Pertanian : ~ spray 3ml/liter (fungisida,PH balance dll)

* Perikanan/Tambak Udang : ~ 3ml/10000 liter air

*Manusia : ~ Mengobati sakit kulit, panu, kadas, kurap, kutu air dan gatal. Ukuran kemasan 1000 ml.

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Fungisida Dan Rhino / Desinfektan Cap Badak Agripesona Di Tokopedia - izzannaura99 Kab. Gresik


Desinfektan  Cap Badak Agripesona Di Tokopedia - izzannaura99 Kab. Gresik

Desinfektan Rhino / Fungisida Cap Badak Agripesona Gresik Biosecurity no. 1 Ini adalah agent pembersih berbasis sulfur carbendazim dosis rendah & residue remover bio desulfurization sehingga ramah dan tidak mencemari lingkungan. Berkinerja tinggi yang diformulasikan khusus untuk nenghilangkan residue kimiawi mikroskopis, terutama dari penggunaan obat-obatan antibiotic yang larut bersama kotoran ternak termasuk metamfetamin, fentanil, heroin, oksikodon, dll. Juga efektif untuk infeksi jamur, protozoa, bakteri dan virus. Diuji laboratorium & terbukti dilapangan. Produk terbaru kami tidak memiliki resiko kesehatan lingkungan. Ini aman untuk didalam dan luar ruangan. *Peternakan & Pertanian: Peternakan : ~ Spray/sanitasi kandang 3ml/liter ~ Air Minum 3ml/30 liter air ~ Sterilisasi air 3ml/500-1000 liter air Pertanian : ~ spray 3ml/liter (fungisida,PH balance dll)

* Perikanan/Tambak Udang : ~ 3ml/10000 liter air

*Manusia : ~ Mengobati sakit kulit, panu, kadas, kurap, kutu air dan gatal. Ukuran kemasan 1000 ml.

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The Advantages Of A Small Business Plan

Small Business Plan
Business plans are essential, regardless of the size of your business, because they map out your goals from start to finish. Because the information within a business plan is pertinent, it's important to keep your small business organized because if you don't, even a small business will end up seeing intensely overwhelming.
What does a small business plan do?
It initially defines what you are trying to accomplish by defining the type of business you have and what you plan to do with your business. You begin by mapping out your goals, one by one, and then you come up with different routes to take to meet your goals. The small business plan essentially will have the same features as an individual applicant's resume. It's an overview of the objective, goals, and skills/duties that the company is capable of performing.
Small business plans also are useful to help track the income and cost of a company. If you strategically map out how much your company is going to bring in, estimated value of course, then you will be able to determine how much you can spend on certain aspects of the company without going bankrupt. This includes determining how many people you will need or want on your staff, and the amount of product materials you can have in stock that you expect to sell. This is figured out by tracking the supply and demand on your business plan as well.
If you don't yet see the value in developing a small business plan, just know this, many business owners and managers of companies have gone broke because they never initially answered what their aiming to accomplish. If they miss this step, then business owners typically will spend large amounts of time on things that they think are relevant to the success of their business, but they turn out to be not relevant at all and actually, in turn, end up hurting their business. If the business owner or company manager would take the time to weed out what they don't want in their business, this allows them to focus on what they do want out of their business.
Once this is recognized, everything else will begin to develop from the focal point. This of it this way the focal point of a small business plan is the nucleus of your company. Once a nucleus, or the brains, or your company is established, everything else begins to develop around it. This will eventually build up a business that if played correctly, could end up an empire. But remember; every empire started with a simple idea that was accurately executed.
How do you develop a business plan?
The best advice on business plans if you don't have a personal contact or mentor to help you through the process is typically found using search engines on the internet. The internet is a platform of information and by looking online, you will find templates, advice, and e-mentors that are willing to walk you through the process. No matter how you do it, the most important thing for your success is that you get it done.